Black History Flashcards, Vol 4: Pre-1492


Urban Intellectuals is proud to present volume 4 of our Black History Flash Cards, designed to combat the miseducation and suppression of Black achievements around the globe.
For this volume we produced 52 cards that give an insight into the history of Black people in the world before 1492, to give a solid foundation to further the understanding that our history did not start with slavery, that Africa and the global Black population have long been a part of world history and at the forefront of many of the most important developments in human history.
Enjoy learning about the revolutionary contributions of our people from the earliest humans until the myth that Columbus “discovered” the Americas!
Take pleasure in sharing all that you learn with friends, educators, and most importantly, our youth. It is imperative that they understand Black history, become inspired, andtake action to build their own greatness!

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Urban Intellectuals is proud to present volume 4 of our Black History Flash Cards, designed to combat the miseducation and suppression of Black achievements around the globe.
For this volume we produced 52 cards that give an insight into the history of Black people in the world before 1492, to give a solid foundation to further the understanding that our history did not start with slavery, that Africa and the global Black population have long been a part of world history and at the forefront of many of the most important developments in human history.
Enjoy learning about the revolutionary contributions of our people from the earliest humans until the myth that Columbus “discovered” the Americas!
Take pleasure in sharing all that you learn with friends, educators, and most importantly, our youth. It is imperative that they understand Black history, become inspired, andtake action to build their own greatness!